Saturday, October 9, 2021

Disconnect for Connectivity

Here is one last post before I sign off of social for the month of October…

Spending the day in the park, trying to clear my view through the trees, and it hit me!

Standing in the same spot causes seeing, hearing, speaking of and doing the same things.  Nothing changes if nothing changes. 

When nothing changes, either complacency prevails and there’s a certain comfort within the cookie cutter of life OR the boredom irritates, aggravates and ultimately motivates movement and growth. 

I had originally captioned the first photo “A view through the trees.” I thought, “it would be nice to see the view behind the trees”. Then I had the realization that in order for me to see the view, I needed to change my perspective. 

So I performed my own perspective experiment. 

I stepped back and explored the possibilities!  Check out the different views. 

For the month of October, I plan to practice this exercise in each area of my life and explore the possibilities!  I can’t wait to report the results through journaling. 

Have a beautiful October and please be sure to check for any studio updates. The website will begin updating on October 1st!

Finally, remember if you stop by in person, you will be entered to win a one month unlimited pass!! So come by to say “hey” or “namaste”.

And remember #embracewhatsgood