Thursday, January 28, 2021

Change Your Energy, Change Your Life!

I turned to yoga, meditation and energy healing years ago in order to heal my body of a debilitating auto immune disease. 

As I began my healing journey, I learned that my symptoms were amplified by the stress and negative mindset resulting from my "life stories" about the effects of addiction, divorce, bankruptcy - leaving me with feelings of unworthiness, abandonment and lack.

I was in so much pain, physically and emotionally and honestly I wasn't sure if I would ever feel better again...unitl I had decided that I had enough. I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. 

Life's circumstances humbled me.

For a long time, I was searching in all the wrong places for happiness, and couldn't get what I needed from anyone in my life. It was then that I realized I needed to take a different approach.

Through the practices of yoga, meditation and reiki, I was encouraged to look inward.

It wasn't until then, I began my personal growth and development journey.

I pivoted with the pain, and my thoughts shifted. It was then I learned that I had the power within ME to change my life.

The shift in my thoughts caused me to take different actions which ultimately created chance happenings and opportunities that led me down the road I am currently on.

This tipping point opened doors for me that I could've never imagined. 

I had finally surrendered and had given myself free reign to let my imagination run FREE!

On February 26th, I embark upon my Baptiste Style 200 RYT Certification, and by May I will be teaching at Steppingstone Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary!  This is something that I've talked about doing shortly after I received my Master Life Coach Certification.  

If you are not familiar with this style yoga, Baptiste Yoga is about supporting people in finding their personal power, and living their best lives ever! Baptiste Yoga is about altering people’s sense of possibility. 

As an accountability coach, I believe that this will enhance my life, simultaneously enhancing my coaching practice.

I am a walking testimony for the combined power of these healing practices. And as a result, I feel compelled to give back.

I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to offer you this deeply discounted "kick-start" yoga, breathwork and reiki/energy healing offer.  

If you are interested in improving the quality of your life, please call to learn more about how Steppingstone Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary can help you "Change Your Energy and Change Your Life.

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Curiosity Did Not Kill The Cat


Curiosity did NOT kill the cat! 🐱 

At least that was my experience.  I am now a self proclaimed Lioness! 🦁 

My personal growth journey began with curiosity after many unhealthy and failed relationships, financial struggles, health issues and more. 

Personally, I was sick and tired of doing the same thing over again, and getting the same results.  

My curiosity was peaked by self help groups, books, workshops etc. , all of which led me to where I am today in my faith and spirituality. 

Since opening Steppingstone Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary, I am asked often...

“What is the difference between "spirituality" and "faith".  

Faith is an internal feeling , a sense and belief that there is "something more." 

Spirituality represents the effort to identify what that "something more" might be. 

Spirituality results when one's faith has been activated. 

For 2021, one of my personal goals is to activate my faith even more. 

I am nurturing a better relationship with myself and my Higher Power (whom I choose to call God), with those around me, my colleagues, my new business, my clients and the value of the services I provide.  

I have vowed to be more vulnerable and true to myself when asking others for the value of what I offer as an individual and as the owner of Steppingstone Haven Yoga & Spiritual Haven. 

There are days I feel like I’m walking alone in this until I receive beautiful notes or calls (like one I received this morning) saying what “The Yoga & Spiritual Haven” has done for them.  

It is then I am reminded of my purpose, and the passion that fuels the fire during those lonely days of being a small business owner. 

We’ve made it through Covid thus far as a new business (since February 2020). I gave a lot away because I knew people needed our services more than ever before. 

What I’ve received in return in friendships, personal growth, strength and support is immense.

After visiting my accountant this week, and taking a true assessment of this year, I have a clear picture of what my goals are for 2021 related to the studio. 

I am floored by what the Steppingstone Haven team, friends, collaborators, and clients have helped me accomplish in the midst of of such uncertainty.  

I am grateful!

I’ve am reminded that I am in fact, not alone.  I recognize that the only way I can sustain my “passion project” is by understanding the VALUE” of the personal development services and tools we provide at  Steppingstone Haven, and not being afraid to ask for it. 

In 2021, we are raising our vibrations even higher!  We are soaring financially so we can invest more into creating a safe space and spiritual sanctuary for personal growth and development offerings. 

We ARE now Simpsonville’s official YOGA & SPIRITUAL SANCTUARY! 

The year of 2021 is one of abundance in personal and financial achievements for all!

Our goal is to serve the “curious cats” with a like-minded community  of Simpsonville who are looking to be “change-makers” - utilizing personal growth tools and services that will reverberate beyond our little city and state - through our country, and around the world!

We can support you in embarking upon your next level of personal growth, development and consciousness. 

If anyone is curious about the “who”, “what” and “why” of Steppingstone Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary, and would like to learn how to achieve a happier and more peaceful life through the practices of yoga, meditation, breathwork and coaching, reach out and connect with our tribe.

Together, we are raising the vibrations around us for a healthy, peaceful and abundant lifestyle. 

I’m beyond excited and CURIOUS to see what 2021 will present us!  We’ve got this!  We’re in this together. And remember...
