Saturday, February 27, 2021

Anything Is Possible

 My life follows suit of my thoughts. When I was 49, I decided to do a 28.3 mile hike for @makeawishsc. When I was 51, I became a life coach through @thecertifiedlifecoachinstitute. When I was 52, I was given a second shot at opening my own business @thehavenyoga.

Today at 53, I embark upon my journey of being a certified yoga instructor at @soulyogastudio.  People ask me why and how do I find time. My answer is always the same. 

I listen to my inner voice. It directs me on the highest path that I am meant to be on. I choose to believe that anything is possible so I can give what I have to those who want and need it. I want to give back what’s been given to me...The support towards personal growth and self discovery. 

The first place I lose the battle is in my mind. What I dwell on is what I draw in. Today and every day, I pre-condition my mind for success. 

I’m not going to lie.  I’m sitting in the parking lot @soulyogastudio writing this. This 53 year old is scared. I choose to replace the fear with excitement, and give life to my body with a positive attitude. Which makes me better and better every day in every way. 

So when I’m asked “why?” And “how”?  My response is always...I keep my mind set on the higher things.  I always #embracewhatsgood”

Now let’s do this!!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

For Today

Personal growth and development allows for perspectives to change. 

Surrender to the change. 

For some, 

“To surrender” means

“To fail”

But what if we interpreted “to surrender” as “I accept”?

“Acceptance” allows us to go deeper into our personal growth journey. 

Self-acceptance enables each of us to give our greatest gift to the world...

...our authentic self!

Some who know us from our past, may not recognize who we are today.  

That’s okay. 

Despite the judgement or criticism, remember to continue to give your gift to others. 

Let them take what they like.  Allow them leave what they don’t.  



Be comfortable where we are TODAY. 

When we embrace the change, those meant to will also. 

Some may be uncomfortable. 

That’s okay. 

When we accept ourselves as we are, we won’t ever say or do anything wrong to the right person. 

That’s right. Say it again. 

We won’t ever say anything wrong to the right person!

Because TODAY, when we commit so much time to the improvement of ourselves, we won’t ever have time to criticize others. 

TODAY, I am me.  

TODAY, You be you.

TODAY, Imagine walking a path where there’s  no guilt, shame or judgement. 

TODAY, surrender and hold your head and heart high in who you are. 

TODAY, embrace your authentic self. 

TODAY, find it @thehavenyoga

#raw #truth #authenticity


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Life Is Simple!


Life is simple.  

So why do we sometimes tend to make it so convoluted?

The past year was a rough one for opening a new business. No lie. 

But not only did we survive. 

We thrived!

Despite how many temper tantrums we wanted to throw because we were angry about what was happening “to” us, 

We picked ourselves up, gathered our tribe and together, we forged through it.

Our perspective becomes refreshed when we are mindful how we choose to think, feel and act. 

With the new perspective, those things thrown at us, then happen “for” us.  

We #embracewhatsgood and rise above. 

What we give the universe,

is exactly what we get back. 

What we believe about ourselves comes true for us. 

Each of our beliefs create different experiences. 

When we create peace, harmony and balance in our minds, we find it in our lives. 

I find mine in these beautiful hearts each day. 

Come find yours!

ALL CLASSES ARE FREE this week until 2/19. 

Check out @thehavenyoga.  Call 864-399-4428 to book your COMPLIMENTARY yoga, meditation and/or breath work class. 

Happy 1st Anniversary to us!  

We thank you for your support

Monday, February 1, 2021

Just Beyond The Dream

It was back in the early 90’s when I landed my dream job working as a publicist at American Movie Classics (AMC) working with Hollywood icons like Donald O'Connor, Debbie Reynolds, and Liza Minelli.  

One of my first assignments was to embark upon my first PR stint called,  “All Aboard! Riding The Rails of American Film.”  My job was to book interviews with news outlets from the hills of California, through the corn fields of Iowa, into the “The Windy City” of Chicago for AMC Host, Bob Dorian as we traveled cross country on a vintage, passenger train. 

The purpose of this production was to chronicle how the rails and Hollywood together reflected the passion, love and innocence of America's past, while capturing the thrills, suspense and romance on the big screen.  

Who better to do that than Bob Dorian, prime-time host of American Movie Classics who displayed his life-long zest for Hollywood classics...

Me, his very green, yet determined, “got something to prove” publicist... 

An eager and hungry freelance writer, named Ken Carlton and a wine sommelier whose name I can’t recall. 

I’ll save the details of the PR tour by train for another blog post, but it’s fair to say that what AMC set out to emulate in their one hour special,  was 100% authentic. 

The thrills and suspense of riding the first passenger train through The Royal Gorge in The Rocky Mountains (which hadn’t seen a passenger train since the 1890’s) was indescribable. 

Although there was no romance, I can tell you that the bond which developed between us all left an everlasting imprint on my heart.  Which is why I am writing this.  

I want to tell you about Beyondish - The result of what started as a passion project of that “hungry” free lance writer, Ken Carlton who rode the rails of American film with me back in the 90’s. “

Beyondish assists in not only finding the restaurant to which locals go, but discovering the “talk-worthy” dishes at that restaurant.  The best part is that the reviews are written and curated by the people who live there. 

Join me in congratulating my dear friend Ken for the birth of his brilliant, brain-child and check out Beyondish 

Finally, remember there’s no better time than now to support local entrepreneurs and businesses!
