Tuesday, November 7, 2023

“Unveiling the Controversy: Trusting Your Intuition and Understanding Breast Implant Illness”

In recent months, I underwent breast explant surgery after suspecting that I may have been suffering from breast implant illness (BII). The topic of BII is highly debated and continues to be the subject of ongoing research.

For seven years, I sought help from various specialists for a range of symptoms, including hair loss, weight gain, rashes, brain fog, memory loss, and debilitating joint and nerve pain. Surprisingly, none of the doctors I visited ever considered my breast implants as a potential cause for my health issues. Instead, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, which I was skeptical about.

Feeling frustrated with the lack of answers, I decided to trust my intuition and delve deeper into my symptoms. I found a remarkable family medical practice in Nashville, TN, and nurse practitioner, Coty Schmidt of Riverside Village Clinic. With his holistic approach, he helped me realize that my symptoms aligned with BII.

Overcoming my initial hesitation, I scheduled consultations with plastic surgeons and eventually underwent explant surgery. It has been four weeks since the surgery, and I am relieved to say that the pain I endured for years disappeared as early as one day after surgery. I am incredibly happy with the results and how I feel.

However, I can't help but feel anger and disappointment towards the medical professionals who never acknowledged my concerns about my implants. Thankfully, my suspicions were validated by Coty Schmidt and the 185,000 members of a Breast Implant Illness Facebook page.

Unfortunately, seeking coverage or compensation for BII-related issues is challenging. All cases related to breast implant illness have been unsuccessful in court due to preemption, which protects breast implants from liability once approved by the FDA. This lack of awareness about the risks associated with class III medical devices like breast implants is a significant problem.

I urge everyone to advocate for their health and reflect on the decisions they make. In my case, societal expectations influenced my choice to get implants, overshadowing the potential risks. Today, I am grateful for my personal growth journey and the newfound authenticity in my life. It hasn't always been easy, but I have found a supportive community that accepts me as I am. I am excited to fully heal and embrace a pain-free life with my loved ones.

If you or someone you know is going through a similar experience, here are some insights that intuition can provide when it comes to health diagnoses:

1. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any unusual symptoms or changes in your health after getting breast implants and seek medical advice accordingly.

2. Individual experiences vary: Remember that everyone's body is unique, and BII symptoms can vary widely. Trust your intuition to understand your own body's response.

3. Consider the potential risks: Research and consider the potential risks associated with breast implants, including BII. Consult with medical professionals and gather information from reputable sources before making any decisions.

4. Seek support and validation: Connect with support groups or online communities to gain insights, experiences, and emotional support from others who have faced similar situations.

5. Trust your intuition in decision-making: If your intuition tells you that breast implants may not be the right choice for you or that they may be contributing to your health issues, honor that inner guidance.

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