Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Annual Reflections

As I step into a new year, I reflect on my chosen values and what truly matters to me as a partner, a parent, a daughter, sibling and friend. As I envision my values for 2024, there are a few key elements that stand out: authenticity, ease, adventure, and deservedness.

This holiday has been stressful (as it is every year for me.) Particularly because I was stricken with the flu. Literally knocked off my a#% for 8 days. I tried to fight it. Tried to pretend that I was okay, but I was far from it. I couldn’t get out of my own way. I didn’t really decorate. Only bought two gifts prior to getting sick and then zippo after that. Needless to say, I wasn’t in the spirit because we weren’t all together this holiday. I’ve been fighting off the blues.  I didn’t realize this until this Christmas being sick but, I dread Christmas!  A lot comes up for me and I’ve made an executive decision as the CEO of my life to work with a therapist this year so I can physically, mentally and financially gear up for Christmas 2024! 

I want to get excited about the holidays instead of dreading them. I want to create new and fun traditions for my family. I decided to limit social media to once a week. Some people stop drinking?  I’m cutting back on my social media habit. I realize how much of an impact it has on my mental well-being. So, moving into 2024,  I want to connect with people via zoom or in person. I want to limit my texting and engage in more active conversations. 

I’ve made a commitment to working with a therapist and business coach twice a month to do the work that is needed to get the results I’m looking for.   I plan on making dedicated monthly blogs that you can find on The Haven Yoga’s website instead of posting on social media. 

These past few days have really put things in perspective for me, and lit a fire under me. It’s time to get healthy - physically, mentally, soulfully, CONSISTENTLY!!!   It’s time to lean into four very important values I have designated as my priorities moving into 2024. 

AUTHENTICITY is a value that I hold dear. In a world that often encourages us to conform or put on masks, I want to prioritize being true to myself and embracing my uniqueness. I believe that by staying authentic, I can cultivate deeper connections, foster genuine relationships, and create a life that aligns with my true desires.

EASE is another value that I want to embrace in 2024. Life can sometimes feel overwhelming, filled with constant hustle and bustle. However, I believe that by seeking simplicity and finding balance, we can create a sense of ease in our daily lives. This means prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and learning to say no when necessary. By doing so, I hope to create a space where peace and tranquility can thrive.

ADVENTURE is a value that fuels my spirit. I want to embrace the unknown, step out of my comfort zone, and explore new horizons. Whether it's traveling to new destinations, trying new hobbies, or taking on exciting challenges, I want to infuse my life with a sense of adventure. By doing so, I believe I can expand my horizons, learn valuable lessons, and create unforgettable memories.

Lastly, DESERVEDNESS is a value that I want to emphasize in 2024. It's easy to fall into the trap of feeling unworthy or undeserving of the good things that come our way. However, I firmly believe that we all deserve happiness, success, and fulfillment. By recognizing my own worth and embracing a mindset of abundance, I hope to attract positive experiences and opportunities into my life.

As I embark on this journey towards 2024, I am committed to living a life that embodies authenticity, ease, adventure, and deservedness. These values will guide my decisions, shape my experiences, and help me create a life that is true to who I am. I invite you to reflect on your own values and join me in embracing these principles as we navigate the exciting path ahead. 

Here's to a year filled with growth, joy, and the fulfillment of our deepest desires!



Friday, December 1, 2023

Preparing for the New Year at The Haven

As we prepare to step into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect. Yegge, my boyfriend dreads this time of year because it means it’s time to be mindful, set intentions, lean into refining existing core values or identify new values for the upcoming year.  For me, I’ll continue to focus on family, authenticity, and adventure,  and will be adding “health” to my list.  

As I mentioned last month, I began an intuitive eating journey with the incredible Andrea Travis. It has been a transformative experience, teaching me the value of embracing the process rather than seeking quick fixes.

Over the past few months, I have had the privilege of working closely with Andrea. Through her guidance, I have learned to listen to my body's cues, honor my hunger and fullness, and let go of restrictive dieting patterns. Andrea's compassionate approach has empowered me to make peace with food and my body, fostering a healthier relationship with both.

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned is the importance of patience and perseverance. Intuitive eating is not a linear journey, but rather a process of self-discovery and growth. It requires us to let go of societal pressures and embrace our unique needs and desires. By focusing on the process, rather than fixating on immediate results, I am beginning to truly experience the freedom and joy that intuitive eating offers.

As we embark on this new year, I am excited to share two upcoming programs that will further enhance our well-being and self-care practices. In January, we will be embarking on a 30-day team yoga, meditation and nutrition challenge. This challenge will not only strengthen our bodies but also nurture our minds and spirits. Together, we will cultivate a sense of inner peace and mindfulness, setting the tone for a fulfilling year ahead.

Following the yoga and meditation challenge, in February, we will be diving into the "Make Peace with Your Plate" program. Led by Andrea Travis herself, this program will provide us with invaluable tools and insights to heal our relationship with food and our bodies. Through a series of workshops, discussions, and personalized guidance, we will learn to nourish ourselves from a place of self-love and acceptance.

I will be sending out more information about these offerings in the next few days. As we embark on these transformative programs, let us remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. Let's embrace the process, celebrate our progress, and support one another along the way. Together, we can create a community rooted in self-care, compassion, and intuitive living.

My hope for you this coming new year, is that it’s filled with self-discovery, growth, and the courage to embrace the process. Trust in your intuition, honor your body, and let go of the need for quick fixes. Remember, true transformation comes from within!



Saturday, November 11, 2023

Manifesting Your Desires: Harnessing the Power of Your Mind

As the new year approaches, many people set resolutions to improve their lives, a process I personally refer to as "manifesting." Whether you realize it or not, you are constantly manifesting through your thoughts, feelings, and emotions, which can impact your physical reality.

Your brain can process up to 70,000 thoughts per day. Those thoughts, feelings and emotions can actually affect your physical world.

Think back to a day when you woke up in a bad mood, stubbed your toe, and spilled your coffee on the way to work. You had a feeling it would be a bad day, and it turned out that way. Was it all just a coincidence, or did you manifest it?

Now, imagine if you had woken up and said, "I know today is going to be a great day." What would have happened instead?

Manifesting is not simply imagining or wishing for something to happen and expecting it to magically come true. It involves harnessing the power of your mind to create new thoughts, feelings, and emotions that can change your reality. It is a powerful tool available to anyone, but it is not magic.

The four major components necessary for manifesting are Gratitude, Visualization, Positive Self-Talk/Worthiness and Taking Action. 

Here's how you can manifest your desires:

1. Your Energy Creates Your Reality: To become your manifestation, you need to raise your energetic vibration. Start each day with a gratitude practice, writing down 10-15 things you are grateful for. This practice raises your vibration and helps you recognize more things to be grateful for throughout the day. Remember, you have control over the frequency and energy you choose to operate in.

2. Visualization: Understand that your thoughts can shape your reality. Channel your thoughts towards manifesting better health, harmonious relationships, and success in your career. Once you are clear on what you want to manifest, use visualization techniques. Imagine how it would feel to have what you desire and how it would bring joy to yourself and others. Visualization is supported by neuroscience, as studies show that our brains respond similarly to visualizing actions as they do to actually performing them. Olympic athletes have used visualization to enhance their performance, and it can work for you too.

3. Remove Fear: Believe in your deservingness is crucial for manifesting what you want. Overcome negative self-talk and self-doubt. Our brains are like supercomputers, and our self-talk is the program they run. Utilize neuroplasticity to create new neural pathways and rewire your brain with positive belief systems. Replace negative self-talk with affirmations to generate the energetic momentum needed for manifestation.

4. Take Action: Visualization alone is not enough. Align your actions with your desires. If you want a loving relationship, better health, or a successful career, take steps towards achieving them.

What are you going to manifest this year?

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

“Unveiling the Controversy: Trusting Your Intuition and Understanding Breast Implant Illness”

In recent months, I underwent breast explant surgery after suspecting that I may have been suffering from breast implant illness (BII). The topic of BII is highly debated and continues to be the subject of ongoing research.

For seven years, I sought help from various specialists for a range of symptoms, including hair loss, weight gain, rashes, brain fog, memory loss, and debilitating joint and nerve pain. Surprisingly, none of the doctors I visited ever considered my breast implants as a potential cause for my health issues. Instead, I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, which I was skeptical about.

Feeling frustrated with the lack of answers, I decided to trust my intuition and delve deeper into my symptoms. I found a remarkable family medical practice in Nashville, TN, and nurse practitioner, Coty Schmidt of Riverside Village Clinic. With his holistic approach, he helped me realize that my symptoms aligned with BII.

Overcoming my initial hesitation, I scheduled consultations with plastic surgeons and eventually underwent explant surgery. It has been four weeks since the surgery, and I am relieved to say that the pain I endured for years disappeared as early as one day after surgery. I am incredibly happy with the results and how I feel.

However, I can't help but feel anger and disappointment towards the medical professionals who never acknowledged my concerns about my implants. Thankfully, my suspicions were validated by Coty Schmidt and the 185,000 members of a Breast Implant Illness Facebook page.

Unfortunately, seeking coverage or compensation for BII-related issues is challenging. All cases related to breast implant illness have been unsuccessful in court due to preemption, which protects breast implants from liability once approved by the FDA. This lack of awareness about the risks associated with class III medical devices like breast implants is a significant problem.

I urge everyone to advocate for their health and reflect on the decisions they make. In my case, societal expectations influenced my choice to get implants, overshadowing the potential risks. Today, I am grateful for my personal growth journey and the newfound authenticity in my life. It hasn't always been easy, but I have found a supportive community that accepts me as I am. I am excited to fully heal and embrace a pain-free life with my loved ones.

If you or someone you know is going through a similar experience, here are some insights that intuition can provide when it comes to health diagnoses:

1. Listen to your body: Pay attention to any unusual symptoms or changes in your health after getting breast implants and seek medical advice accordingly.

2. Individual experiences vary: Remember that everyone's body is unique, and BII symptoms can vary widely. Trust your intuition to understand your own body's response.

3. Consider the potential risks: Research and consider the potential risks associated with breast implants, including BII. Consult with medical professionals and gather information from reputable sources before making any decisions.

4. Seek support and validation: Connect with support groups or online communities to gain insights, experiences, and emotional support from others who have faced similar situations.

5. Trust your intuition in decision-making: If your intuition tells you that breast implants may not be the right choice for you or that they may be contributing to your health issues, honor that inner guidance.

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Bingo With My Oma

The change of seasons has always had such an effect on me. The scents of different flowers, the anticipation of what the summer brings, and just the feeling in the air triggers so many cherished memories for me. 

In particular, joining my Oma (My German Grandmother pictured above with my Opa) at church and then Bingo, Bridge or Canasta card games with her ladies' group. 

I always loved Bingo the best because it was the one game, she would allow me to participate in by carefully placing the chips on her card.

I can remember the excitement as we waited with bated breath to see if I would be the one who could jump up and yell "BINGO!"

Although winning BINGO was definitely the high point of my visit with Oma, I can't help but reflect on how I subconsciously admired the dedication that these women had to each other, and how they cherished their time together.

Every woman had a story. The stories evolved as the seasons in their lives changed. The patterns and origins were different yet there was a certain presence of respect amongst them. They were like one big orchestra moving in an out of their seasons exactly as they were meant to move - similar to the natural way we move into and through environmental seasonality.

Since opening The Haven I recognize the similarities of my "BINGO" days with my Oma.  It feels familiar and safe.

I look forward in sharing these newfound moments with my newfound friends at The Haven. 

Consider joining the fun between May 15th through June 30th at The Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary for Yoga Bingo. 

See you on your mat!

Saturday, April 30, 2022

“The Courageous Peony”

I want to tell you a story about The Courageous Peony. This story is prompted by an oracle card I pulled recently.

It was no coincidence after leaving Lowes earlier that day, debating whether or not I wanted to buy some peony bulbs (my favorite flower). 

I deliberated over the purchase because of how much time it would take to see a result from the time I’d plant them to the time they’d blossom.

The story of The Courageous Peony goes like this...

"Flowers don't open and close according to who walks by. They embrace what they are and show it to the world around them. The peony doesn't try to compete with the cherry blossom, and the cherry blossom doesn't try to compete with the tulip - THEY OWN WHAT THEY ARE AND TRUST THE TIMING OF THEIR TRUE NATURE."

I began my own personal growth garden back in 2017, and figuratively speaking, I was that bulb that needed to be rooted. 

First, I needed to agree to plant myself in the work that I needed to do and find the nourishment I needed to grow.

This story is about being called to be open to being seen. 

How are you answering that call? 

As we approach the month of May and flowers are blossoming all around us, I ask you to consider opening up like a flower petal blooming and be seen too.

In the spirit of the Spring Season, The Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary is continuously growing. We have been manifesting a lot of incredible things that are beginning to fall right into place for our very special studio!

Stay tuned for many new updates related to new classes and services including breathwork, manifestationinfrared sauna therapy, and details on our big move to a new location in April 2023!

Without all of you, this tremendous growth would never be possible. Thank you for your support over the past two years.

Things are happening at The Haven! Thank you for joining us on this very special journey.


Thursday, March 3, 2022

The Rocky Road To Authenticity

For awhile, I didn’t know who I was nor what my purpose is in this life.  I didn’t do what I loved nor loved what I did.  I was a puppet on a string trying to conform to societal expectations. 

My dad would tell me “either humble yourself or life will do it for you”. I never quite knew what that meant until I was faced with some pretty intense situations and experiences. Each of which, gradually peeled a layer away forcing me to examine and consider the rocky road to my authentic self. It wasn’t comfortable nor easy but I learned that I had a choice to contract or expand. I gratefully chose the latter. 

I face many ugly truths about myself, my life and my relationships each day to stay grounded in the process. I shed many people who were my closest friends, turned inward and took years to reflect on where my responsibilities lay in everything I have done and do. I was sad and discouraged about my losses, but letting go of certain people, places and things made room for closer connections with others seeking the same. 

I forgave myself and others. I’ve also been forgiven allowing me to connect and accept myself exactly as I was and as I am in this moment. 

I practice truth, love, kindness, silence and non-judgement and do more each day to sink into my values.  I am a work in progress. I am not perfect, nor do I strive for perfection.  I do what I can in each moment to lean into my goals toward authenticity so I can give everyone I meet, the best version of myself. 

For so long, I cared more about belonging than I did about finding out about who I really am and what I have to offer. I worried how I looked and what I had as opposed to what I have to give. 

Today, I spend more time on myself so I don’t have time to criticize others. I am anchored into my values and boundaries, and my desire for personal growth and abundance is stronger than my desire to belong. I’ve come a long way. I continue to peel away the layers. I feel lighter. 

I know my purpose, and I am passionate about going on this journey with others who are open to gain awareness, and do the work necessary to live their best lives ever.  Are you?  If so, find it at The  Haven Yoga & Spiritual Sanctuary.